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24 Jan 2014

How to Make WordPress Site Load Within 1 Sec

Every blogger, website owner, author, writer or a viewer wants the same thing, a website that loads quickly on every device. Who is the one who would like to wait for a long time for any website to load, Not even you. So why let it be so lazy. Here are some few steps that if you follow, you can turn you website into a rocket loading website, i.e it will load within 1.5 secs.

WordPress Theme

Most of us dreams of having a beautiful, colorful, lots of widgets, banners, blah...blah..blah.... This is nothing but an additional packs for turning your website to more laziness. Yes, you heard right, the more you add beauty is the more you add loads and the output is heavy load time. So choose a best theme for your website, if it not possible to choose the best atleast choose the better. Choose a simple, larger fonts, and with less javascript and css files theme, the less the better. Every files that are in your theme needs to be loaded requires time according to their sizes. Try choosing MINIMAL Theme for your blog or try choosing a Smarter framework, we recommend Genesis, But it doesn't comes FREE, but it is very friendly in terms of SEO and Load Time.  


Lots of blogger forget that plugins are extra add-ons for their websites beauty, performance and also load time. This can be explained in a simple equations " Wordpress + The More Plugins + Server response Time = More Load Time ". It is simple, the more plugins you use, the more time will require to load your blog as all the resources will be loaded first to work the plugins, so we recommended only use the required plugins. Also there is an interesting plugin, which comes for free and is provided by godaddy, that is  P3. This simple plugins checks which plugins in your blog is slowing down your site and also creates a performance report

P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)

the p3 plugin  

Use CDN [ Content Delivery Network ]

Obviously you know what is CDN, Don't you? Well if you don't the - a CDN stands for Content Delivery Network, what does it do, simple it loads your website by fetching resources from the nearest server available to the visitors or your audience, instead of fetching files form your server where you have hosted your wordpress site. Now if you have made your mind in using a CDN, then why are you sitting still there, lets move! There are lots of CDN providers available, but among them there are the two most famous CDN providers CloudFlare and MaxCDN. While CloudFlare comes for free and Pro but MaxCDN come only premium. So we recommend using CloudFlare, its very easy to setup and also a plugin come for wordpress. [How to Setup CloudFlare - Tutorial]  

Caching & Minify

This is what should be followed by CDN, caching and minify helps to load website much faster as caching caches your website into the visitors browser inorder to load faster the next time he visits and minify minimizes the HTML, CSS and javascript. There are lots of plugin available for minifing and caching, but in the forest of wordpress plugin the W3 Total Cache is the lion. You can use Cloudflare to minify your files, but there are some problem that we have faced, as if your website has different javascript for different functions, minifing them can make them unusable, and also if your website has different CSS files for different uses, combining them can mashup your Blogs Design. So we recommend to Test in Developing Mode Activated in Cloudflare and to test it atleast for a day trying in different browsers and clearing your browsers caches.  

Images - Load Time Reduction

If you have done all the above mentioned, then this is the point you should focus at. The images that you attach in you post subsequently add more time to load. If you images are hosted on another website or another CDN, then it may load faster but it may not benefit your website in terms on SEO as all images in google image search may point to the CDN provider. Also if you host your images on another website and if it is not an CDN it may require another huge load time as your website will load all its resources then it will fetch the images from the website which will also load most of its resources. You can reduce the image load time by allowing to load only those images that are visible in the portview. This can be done easily with another great plugin that comes free is BJ Lazy Load. Do you like the Post, So please let us Know, Your every Share and by following us, you inspire us to help you more by writing. Try Sharing & Dont forget to

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