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13 Nov 2013

Search Rankings using Google+ SEO

Immediate Crawling and Indexing

Post made on google+ on your page or profile having a link to your blog or blog post are discovered to be quickly crawled and indexed by google, which in return will make your post appear in Search results faster than other & boost search engine rankings. Since their are many social networks around us nowadays, and in which facebook and twitter are used more than others,but unlike them, of their privacy setting, they discourage google crawling and indexing your links and building a better SEO for your website and on the other hand google+ helps your blog links to crawl and index faster. Its not limited upto that only, posting on google+ also helps it and add more chances to appear in google search.

Google's Authorship With Your Personal Profile

Tricks2Blogging google authorship The best feature that we love of google, is that google allows author to show their avatar in search results on the articles that they have written. Signing up for google authorship program is really simple,  authorship allows really cool feature, for users who are not logged in they will just get a normal display like the above image without any options, whereas logged in users will get the options to add the author to their circles

Google+ Posting Tricks & Tips

As now you have started using google+ for your website or blog, and if not then start right now. Google+ has a lot of real time and valuable users engagement, as most of the people have a gmail id and uses google in their day to day life. The tricks that are most useful for building a successful SEO in google+ are
  • Post regularly.
  • Use  Tags.
  • Don't post repeatedly a same containt over and over again
  • use a impressive post name.
  • write a interesting post description.
  • And include a link back to your blog.
  • don't post too long URLs
  • use a url shortning service without any ads [like] [Don'ts :]

Boost Search ranking using +1 Button

How-Google-Plus-Can-Increase-Your-SEO-Tricks2blogging We all know that your SEO and Blog ranking can only goes up and touch the sky if your visitors and customers share your content on social networks, so inorder to raise your ranking encourage the +1 sharing among your visitors. Don't use any hard and fast rule on them, as it can irritate your visitors and make then never return to you again. Google +1 buttons makes your Search ranking go up. at the time of launching google plus, google announced that they will be using +1 sharing buttons to as a social encourager in search ranking, means everytime someone shares your article it increases the chance of your blog to have more credits on SEO ranking and more chances to appear on search results. So help us too. Share this interesting article & let others know that your website will have a greater SEO rankings than others.