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15 Sept 2012

Top Applications To ImproveYour Facebook Fan Page Activity

Top Applications To ImproveYour Facebook Fan Page Activity

*Fan Of  The Week Application:
              Fan of the week for pages is one of the mostly used facebook application with more than 590000 monthy users and automatically generates your fan of the week ,baesd upon  likes,comments and sharing that the fan has made for the particular week.The more the fan interacts more the points the fan gets and finally gets the reward as Fan Of The Week.
Click to Install Fan Of the Week App 

*My Top Fans Application:
            This application is same as the above application with more than 1,300,000and functions are also same as Fan of the Week App where top fans are generated automatically based on users likes.comments and shares.Another cool feature that this application has is that you can seperately reward male and female fans of your page and also you can check your top fans stats.
Click to Install My Top Fans App

           This is another facebook fan rewarding application that picks top fans automatically for everyweek based upon users activity.This is is seperate blog and shows facebook page admin the overall perormance of the fan.
Click to Install Booshaka

*My Top Commentators Application:
         If you are promoting your blog then comments and reviews from your loyal readers is very important and also rewarding your loyal commentors is a must.You cant check all the commentors who comments,My top commentors application will do this job easier. So with the help of My top Commentors application your can check and reward the top six commentors of your page.
Click to Install My Top Commentors