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16 Sept 2012

SEO: Search Engine Optimization For Blogger

SEO Process :Blogger Is Now SEO Friendly


SEO Process :Blogger Is Now SEO Friendly

  1. Go to Settings option from Blogger Dashboard.
  2. Then select Search Preferences option.
  3. Search Preference will look like this

Now SAve ItNow a new option  Search description will be activated in post editor section.Also you can add metatag description for each and every post in your blog.

5.Next in the custom page not found option.. enter the message to be appeared if  broken link is found.And  next in the redirect url you can redirect the broken link pages to another url.

6.In Crawlers and Indexing section,do not make any changes to robots.txt option.In the Custom robots header tags check yes option and click  all and noodp in Homepage,HomepageArchive and Search pages,Default for Posts and Pages