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15 Sept 2012

GORDON Wordpress Theme

Gordon is our new tumblog-wordpress theme.

gordon wordpress theme
Live Demo                                          Download

Post formats
  • Aside – Typically styled without a title. Similar to a Facebook note update.
  • Link – Post will contain a link or group of links
  • Image – Post with image. It uses the featured image property to attach image
  • Audio – Post with audio file. Use the audio file metabox to enter the audio url.
  • Video – Post with video . Use the video metabox to enter the video embed code.
  • Chat – Post with chat transcript.
  • Quote – Post with quote from famous personalities.
  • Standard – Deafult post without any format

Gordon is our new tumblog theme. This is a very minimalistic and light weight theme maintaining a professional and well balanced layout and typography.The icons used in the theme are not images but fonts using the iconic fonts by Font Awesome . It is embedded in the theme and theme users can extend its usage. There are about 220 icons in that iconic font. Theme also has features like, featured images, meta boxes, theme options, custom menu etc.
his being a tumblog theme it supports 8 different post formats. They are listed below with usage.