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24 Jan 2014

How To Remove Several Friends From Facebook

Everyone have a  facebook profile nowadays, and most of them wants to have a lot of friends and followers. Its got to have a lot of followers but now lot of Unknown friends, just because you want to have a lot of friends.   Now suppose you have a total of 2345 friends on facebook and you have decided to remove all your unknown friends. when you started the process of removing your unknown friends, you realised they are many, let us assume 678 friends, so removing is really a time consuming process. as you can remove only 1 friend at a time, and also facebook don't have any bulk edit option, by which you can select you friends and remove them with just one click. There are two ways of removing friends
  1. Removing through browser
  2. Removing using an App [recommended]

Removing through Browser

Now if you are using a internet browser, either on any of your device [ PC, laptop, Tablets, Phablets, Smartphone, Mobiles, etc ]. It is a lengthy process,
  1. First you have to login to your facebook a/c,
  2. then you have to visit or[yourusername]/friends
  3. from your friends list, hover your mouse on every friends - friend button
  4. a popup will appear, and you have to select unfriend
  5. This process is limited to 1 friend at a time, as it uses a javascript for unfriending

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Removing through App

Removing unknown friends using the official facebook app is really easy, all you have to do is just choose the friends. Although the facebook app is available for every platform, we will be using the android app on our samsung galaxy tab 2 for this purpose. Process to remove friends
  1. Login to your fb a/c through the app.
  2. Click the Top-Left menu button.
  3. Select you name [means your timeline].
  4. then after come to your timeline and select the friends tab.
  5. you will get all the list of your friends
  6. on each friend, there is a small square button with a tick  mark.
  7. Click on it & you will get 3 options - See friend List, unfriend, cancel
  8. Choose Unfriend.
  9. Below is a image of the process.
  10. Thanks
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